Global Justice and the Biodiversity Crisis: Conservation in a World of Inequality (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024). Available here.
“Poverty, Growth and the Environment,” for a symposium on Darrel Moellendorf’s Mobilizing Hope, Environmental Ethics, in press.
“The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Global Justice and the Environment,” for a symposium on the Law of the Sea Convention, Global Constitutionalism, 2023. Available here.
“Animal Flourishing in a Time of Ecological Crisis,” European Journal of Political Theory, 2023. Available here.
'Domestic Institutions, Growth, and Global Justice.' European Journal of Political Theory, 2023, 22.1. Available open access here.
“Turning Around the Politics of the Ocean,” Political Insight 14.3 (2023): 12-15. Available here.
“Ocean Justice: Rethinking Global Justice from the Sea,” (with Antje Scharenberg), Soundings: A Journal of Politics and Culture 83 (2023): 8-20. Also printed in Eurozine, 26th June 2023.
A Blue New Deal: Why We Need A New Politics for the Ocean (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, February 2022). Buy it here or here.
'Which Net Zero? Climate Justice and Net Zero Emissions' (with Duncan McLaren), Ethics & International Affairs, 2022, 36.4. Available here.
‘Global Justice and the Opportunity Costs of Conservation,’ Conservation Biology, 2022, 37.2. Available here.
'Land, Resources, and Inequality.' Journal of Social Philosophy, 2022. Available here.
'Abuse, Exploitation, and Floating Jurisdiction: Protecting Workers at Sea.' Journal of Political Philosophy, 2022. Prepublication version here.
'A Blue New Deal.' Renewal: A Journal of Social Democracy, 2021.
'Natural Resources, Sustainability, and Intergenerational Ethics,' in Stephen Gardiner (ed) Oxford Handbook of Intergenerational Ethics, 2021. Available here.
'Climate Change, Sea Level Rise and Maritime Baselines,' Global Environmental Politics, 2021 (with Jack Corbett). Prepublication version here.
'Dealing with Dictators.' Journal of Political Philosophy, 2020. Prepublication version here.
'Ocean Justice: SDG 14 and Beyond.' Journal of Global Ethics, 2020. Prepublication version here.
'Decarbonisation and World Poverty: A Just Transition for Fossil Fuel Exporting Countries?' Political Studies 2019. Prepublication version here.
Why Global Justice Matters: Moral Progress in a Divided World (Polity, 2019). More information here.
'Natural Resources, Sustainability, and Intergenerational Justice,' in Stephen Gardiner (ed) Oxford Handbook of Intergenerational Ethics (Oxford University Press, forthcoming).
'Sharing Conservation Burdens Fairly,' Conservation Biology, 2019. Prepublication version here.
'Resources Outside of the State: Governing the Oceans and Beyond,' Philosophy Compass, 2018. Prepublication version here.
'Climate Change and Justice,' in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics, 2018. Prepublication version here.
‘Natural Resource Ownership,’ in Hugh Lafollette (ed) International Encyclopedia of Ethics (Wiley-Blackwell, 2018). Prepublication version here.
‘Normative Political Theory,’ in David Marsh and Gerry Stoker (eds) Theory and Methods in Political Science, third edition (Palgrave, 2017). Prepublication version here
Justice and Natural Resources: An Egalitarian Theory (Oxford University Press, 2017). More details here
‘Fairness, Free-riding and Rainforest Protection,’ Political Theory 44.1 (2016): 106-30. Available free here
‘Against “Permanent Sovereignty” over Natural Resources,’ Politics, Philosophy and Economics, 14.2 (2015): 129-51. Prepublication version here
Subject of Territory and Justice Network online symposium here, with a response by Alexa Zellentin
'Climate Justice and Territorial Rights,’ in Jeremy Moss (ed) Climate Change and Justice (Cambridge University Press, 2015), pp. 59-72. Available as a Working Paper here
‘Distributive Institutions’, in Darrel Moellendorf and Heather Widdows (eds) The Routledge Handbook of Global Ethics (Routledge, 2015), pp. 372-86. Prepublication version here
‘Justice and Attachment to Natural Resources,’ Journal of Political Philosophy, 22.1 (2014): 48-65. Prepublication version here
‘Resources, Rights and Global Justice: A Response to Kolers,’ Political Studies, 62.1 (2014): 216-22. Prepublication version here
‘Global Justice between Minimalism and Egalitarianism,’ Political Theory, 42.1 (2014): 119-29. Prepublication version here
‘Sovereign Wealth Funds and Global Justice,’ Ethics and International Affairs, 27.4 (2013): 413-28. Prepublication version here
Subject of an online symposium here with commentaries by Paul Segal, Angela Cummine, Oliviero Angeli and Andreas Føllesdal
‘Natural Resources: the Demands of Equality,’ Journal of Social Philosophy, 44.4 (2013): 331-347. Prepublication version here
‘Global Justice, Positional Goods, and International Political Inequality,’ Ethics and Global Politics, 6.2 (2013): 109-116. Available free here
Global Distributive Justice: An Introduction (Cambridge University Press, 2012).
‘Citizenship, Egalitarianism and Global Justice’, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 14.5 (2011): 603-21. Prepublication version here
‘Shared Understandings, Collective Autonomy and Global Equality,’ Ethics and Global Politics, 4.1 (2011): 51-69. Available free here
‘National Self-Determination, Global Equality and Moral Arbitrariness,’ Journal of Political Philosophy, 18:3 (2010): 313-334. Prepublication version here
‘National Self-Determination or Global Egalitarianism?’ in Keith Breen and Shane O’Neill (eds) After the Nation? Critical Reflections on Nations and Post-Nationalism (Palgrave Macmillan 2010), pp. 253-268. Prepublication version here
‘Arguing About Justice: Domestic and Global,’ European Journal of Political Theory, 9:3 (2010): 367-75. Prepublication version here
‘Basic Needs, Equality and Global Justice,’ Journal of Global Ethics, 5:3 (2009): 245-51. Prepublication version here
‘Coercion, Reciprocity and Equality Beyond the State,’ Journal of Social Philosophy, 40:3 (2009): 297-316. Prepublication version here
‘Defending the Duty of Assistance?’ Social Theory and Practice, 35:3 (2009): 461-482. Prepublication version here